Archive for June, 2009


Week 38 – Gandhi Baby Gone

June 28, 2009

Gandhi wrote, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.

Lori and I attempt to change the world every week but we need your help. We’ve been doing this litter clean-up thing for almost a year and so far we’ve only had three Earth lovers join our cause.

I promise you that filling a bucket will (sadly) only require 10-15 minutes of your time. Today is a great example, we headed out to the local big box hardware store to buy a couple bags of bark and stopped on the way to pick up litter. We seriously improved a trashy area in only 10 minutes and left feeling like we make a difference. Won’t you join us?


Week 37 – A New Outlook

June 22, 2009

After a very productive weekend of helping Ben’s parents put in a new patio, we cautiously took a breather and picked up litter on Monday instead of our usual Sunday.  The patio looks great, by the way…there is something about hard work and seeing something tangible at the finish line.  It was worth every blister and ache.

We limped about today after work adding to our bucket collection.  We visited a usually dirty spot near the old high school but with all the overgrown grass and bushes we could barely find anything.  It took some effort to fill our buckets… but then again, “The difference between try and triumph is a little umph!” (unknown)


Week 36 – Hertz Donut

June 15, 2009

After an exhausting weekend moving the college kid back home, Ben and I decided to go to Costco and stock up.  We hoped to pick up litter near Costco and kill two birdIMG_0751s with one stone.  We didn’t  have to go very far and stopped at the Hertz rental company which is adjacent to Costco.

We previously had picked up in front of Hertz awhile ago and had hoped that they were pleasantly surprised with their clean area and kept it up!  Unfortunately it looked just as disgusting as last time.

Our tired bodies were happy that it took about five minutes to fill two buckets.  Hertz..don’t it?


Week 35 – Computer Clean Up

June 10, 2009

Sorry for the delayed posting this week, we’ve had horrible trouble with our computer. After many virus scans, spyware cleanup, and a Windows update we finally realized that our ISP was at fault. The techs at Comcast managed to fix our issues today BUT we lost all our pictures from this week’s cleanup.

Please take our word for it that we filled two buckets of litter earlier in the week. We revisited a particularly dirty spot in West Seattle and left it looking better 🙂

Glad to be back online!

Ben and Lori