Archive for May, 2009


Week 34 – Picked Clean

May 31, 2009

Ben and I revisited the High School in West Seattle.  The usual condoms, bottles of water and beer cans littered up and down the street overlooking the track field.  It felt good to look back and see a big (clean!) difference. 

We’ve also noticed the many commercials on the radio lately regarding the legalities of litter and calling in the litterers that you see while you are out in traffic.  Unfortunately, with the recent budget cuts, the radio spots will cease and the decrease of hired help to pick up our littered roads will lessen.

So if you live in Washington State, please make sure you call in to 1-866-Litter1 to report violaters.  Hopefully this will deter more people in the future in these tough economic times. Also we’d love to have you get out there and fill a couple buckets.


Week 33 – Home

May 25, 2009

In our travels we realized that it was good to be home.  It’s beautiful in Washington.  It takes seeing other amazing places to appreciate our own wonderful place.  And though we went to pick up rubbish in the industrial area of West Seattle we kept looking at the mountains and all the greenery and were awestruck on how pretty it is here.

So we happily continue to do our part by making Washington just a tiny bit prettier.  We had to come home to find what we were looking for…litter!


Week 32 – Vacation!

May 25, 2009

Ben and I took a wonderful camping vacation through Oregon and IMG_0379California down to San Francisco and back up the coast.  We were thoroughly impressed with the constant signs on I-5 threatening $1000 fines for littering.  It seemed every few feet there was a warning.  We give kudos for their litter efforts.  We had every intention of picking up litter while on vacation (we even brought a couple of bags that could substitute as our buckets, but they weren’t necessary).  What a wonderful surprise!

To see the rest of our pics of our vacation, click here.


Week 31 – Mother Lode

May 10, 2009

Driving for 3 hours to see my punkin-noodle for a dinner that I paid for was more than worth it on Mother’s Day.  According to him, he should be celebrated as well since without his presence I would not have the pleasure of being a mother.   Ah, that higher education is coming in so handy.

Earlier this morning Ben and I helped Mother Earth by celebrating at Alki Beach.  It was sunny and pretty and the clouds threatened soon so we picked up as quickly as we could.  It was fairly clean except for the usual bulk head.  Ben crawled over the fence and tossed all the garbage over to me on the sidewalk.  He even saw a torn kite at the bottom of the rocky hill and maneuvered to claim his reward.  I think she was very happy for the gift we gave her.

As we took the pretty picture of our filled buckets with the Seattle city skyline in the background I noticed a memorial of Jon Eggers.  It was a small monument almost hidden by bushes.  I also noticed how young he was…all of 27 years old.  Underneath it said, “A man walks along the beach…picking up things that he can reach…reaching not only with his hands…but intellectually when he can.”  Jon’s mom must have been very proud.

Happy Mother’s Day


Week 30 – Litter Bug

May 3, 2009

Our weekend was going to be filled with chores and gardening, followed by a sunny litter pick up but that did not happen.  Unfortunately, I caught some kind of malicious bug from work and it is refusing to budge.  I, in turn, passed it on to the love of my life who went from caretaker to patient in two seconds flat.  img_03375

We managed to gather enough energy to make it to the store for drugs and a quick litter pick up.  Not too much energy was invested and minimal pictures were taken.  Hopefully we’ll be back up to snuff next weekend. 

We’re hoping our readers are staying healthy and don’t forget to wash your hands…after you pick up some litter.