Archive for March, 2009


Week 25 – ‘Tired’ of Litter

March 30, 2009

Kudos to the Washington State Department of Ecology.  Their numerous bags on the side of I-5 made our 5 hour car ride yesterday more enjoyable.  We love how they turned their bags around towards the cars so that we could see who was responsible for these good deeds.  We also hoped that passers-by would see the mounds of litter, the litter still yet on the ground and think twice before throwing their garbage out their window. 

We also saw the mountains of tires piled up next to the bags and bags of rubbish.  It’s amazing how people felt no remorse leaving their giant tires all over the sides of the road.  Notices of fines are placed up and down the highway but obviously people believe that they can get away with littering.  Without repercussions, there will be little change in attitudes.  How difficult would it have been to retrieve these tires since they were already parked there?

Ben had to get two new tires today and happily paid the disposal fees for the old tires.  Shouldn’t the litterers also be responsible in disposing of their tires as well?  Unfortunately without adequate watch, minimal fines and the difficulty in catching them in the act is too much for our ‘tired’ State.


Week 24 – Spring Cleaning

March 22, 2009

The Spring Equinox falls on March 20th for this part of the world.  Days will grow noticably longer and (hopefully soon) warmer.  Animals mate and bear their young during the spring, reminding us of ancient celebrations ensuring fertiility and growth.

We in turn get that nesting urge by participating in different versions of “Spring Cleaning.”  Garage sales are growing in abundance and we encourage everyone to go through their belongings and donate to various organizations of their choosing (ex. Northwest Center). 

Our version of Spring Cleaning was to visit a spot that epitomized Spring and young love.  We went to an area near the airport where people go to watch the airplanes take off and land.  It was fun to fill our 49th and 50th buckets with so much excitement in the air.

Speaking of entertainment, we picked up a lot of alcohol containers, fast food wrappers and the occasional empty box of condoms.  Ah, young love…Seattle’s version of Spring Break.

Traditionally, during this time of year our ancestors felt the urge to clean their homes…we take this opportunity to clean our homes as well, inside and outside.


Week 23 – Beware the Ides of March

March 15, 2009


* Clicketh scroll for this weeks pics


Week 22 – Quick Pick

March 8, 2009

Rushing back home to West Seattle we encountered rain, snow, sleet, and sunshine.  Not knowing when the locusts were going to show up we decided on a quick lunch stop at the “Pick Quick” for a burger in Fife.  Ben raves about the Pick Quick and I have to admit, timg_0128hey were cheap and tasty.  They were much better than most fast food places.

Finally back in West Seattle we stopped along Sylvan Way SW which was a area that we always pass by and say that would be a quick pick-up place! Wine bottles, couches, and your basic trash littered up and down the hill.  It literally took two minutes to pick up two buckets.  It was very sad.

On our way back to the car we passed a sign that read “Longfellow Creek Greenspace.”  They are a community organization that helps in restoring the creek back to its original state.   They organize clean ups and weed removal along the Longfellow Creek Trail. 

We applaud the efforts of the Longfellow Creek clean up crew and will continue to do our part with our quick pick ups as well.


Week 21 – The Choice is Yours

March 1, 2009

March 1st through May 31st starts the annual “Great American Cleanup“.  Ben and I believe that keeping our world beautiful should be an annual process, but we applaud the extra efforts to involve others through organized efforts.

If you aren’t the start-your-own-bucket-brigade type, this is the best place to begin.  Organized groups have been formed and anyone can click on their location and find something nearby.  If you don’t find anything in your neck of the woods, you can surely start your own organized effort with their guidance.    It is your choice.

img_0120On the Keep America Beautiful website they specify the two choices that people can make; what products we choose to buy or use and the choice of how to dispose of them. 

We picked up litter today around a construction area.  The amount of Styrofoam lunch containers and empty beer cans being  strewn about was astounding.  I’m glad our favorite take out restaurants provide recyclable containers, or we wouldn’t be eating from their establishments.  Of course we then choose to dispose of them in the responsible manner. 

The choice is ours…what will you choose?